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On the last day of the cold January Will from Extra Credits sat down to stream SOMA, and for the first few hours of the game he was joined by his friend and Frictional employee Ian Thomas. Ian worked on scripting, coding, and level design for SOMA, and is now the Story Lead on one of Frictional's two upcoming projects. During the stream he answered some questions from the viewers, ranging from what type of pizza he thinks Simon had in his fridge, to ways of minimising dissonance between the player and the character in a narrative game.
In this blog we've compiled the best questions and answers into an easily readable form. So go get a beverage of your choice and dive into the everyday life at Frictional, narrative game design and tips on networking in the industry! Or, if you're not the reading type, you can also watch the whole video on Twitch.
Have some other questions? Hit us up on Twitter and we will try to answer the best we can!
(Picture commentary from your favourite community manager/editor of this blog, Kira.)
Q: Does the Frictional team scare each other at the office?
We didn't have an office until recently, and even now most people are still remote, so not really!
The thing about being behind the scenes in horror is that it's very difficult to scare yourself, and each other, because you know what's going on. We do play each others' levels every other week, and it's always brilliant to get a decent scare out of a coworker.
Otherwise we don't hide in the office cupboards or anything like that… regularly.
Q: Is it true that developers don't actually play their games?
No - we play our games thousands of times, and most developers do!
It does depend on where you sit in the development chain. If you work for a very big company and only do something like facial models, you might rarely play the game until it's close to completion. But in a team the size of Frictional everyone plays the game all the time. That's how we get our primary feedback and develop our levels before the game goes anywhere near alpha testers.
Q: How about after they're released?
Probably not that often. For me personally there are two reasons, which both have to do with time. Firstly, I'm probably already working on a new thing. Secondly, during the short downtime after a release I'm trying to catch up on games I had to put aside during development. But it depends: for example, when I worked on LEGO games I would later play them with friends, because they're so much fun to sit down and co-op play.
For a couple of years after the release you might be fed up with your game and not want to see it, but then you might come back to it fresh. With SOMA I sometimes tune into livestreams, especially if I'm feeling down. That's one of the kicks you get out of this stuff – knowing which parts of the game people are going to react to, and getting to watch those reactions! That's the best payoff.
Q: Did the existential dread of SOMA ever get to the team?
It's a little different for the dev team, as the horror is a slow burn of months and months, whereas for the players it comes in a short burst. The philosophical questions affected people in different ways, but I don't think we broke anyone. As far as I know we're all fine, but given that a lot of us work remotely, it could well be that one of us is deep in Northern Sweden inscribing magical circles in his front room and we just don't know...
Q: Why did SOMA get a Safe Mode?
SOMA was originally released with monsters that could kill you, and that put off some people that were attracted to the themes, the sci-fi and the philosophy, because they saw the game as too scary or too difficult. Thomas and Jens had discussed a possible safe mode early on, but weren't sure it would work. However, after the game came out, someone in the community released the Wuss Mod that removed the monsters, and that and the general interest in the themes of the game made us rethink. So now we've released the official Safe Mode, where the monsters still attack you, but only if you provoke them – and even then they won't kill you.
You can now avoid one of these three death screens!
The concept of death in games is a strange one. All it really means is that you go back to a checkpoint, or reload, and all the tension that's built up goes away. The fact is that game death is pretty dull. It becomes much more interesting when it's a part of a mechanic or of the story. We at Frictional have talked about it internally for a while, but it's something we've never really gotten a satisfactory answer to.
So, all in all, even if you turn on Safe Mode, it's not that much different from playing the game normally.
Q: What type of pizza does Simon have in his fridge?
Meat lovers', definitely.
Schrödinger's pizza! And a Mexicana. Unless they mixed it up at the factory. In which case it's also a Schrödinger's pizza.
Q: What was the funniest or hardest bug to fix in SOMA?
There were so many! You can find some of the stuff in the supersecret.rar file that comes with the installation.
I spent a lot of time fixing David Munshi. His animation really didn't behave and he kept leaping around the place. He was so problematic, especially in this sequence where he was supposed to sit down in a chair and type away at the keyboard. We had so much trouble with that - what if the player had moved the chair? We couldn't lock it in place, because we want the player to be able to mess with these things. We went around trying to come up with an answer for ages.
And then someone on the team went: "Standing desk!". Problem solved! It's silly little things like this which tie up your time.
For all you thirsty Munshi lovers out there. You know who you are.
Another similar element was the Omnitool. It was a fairly major design thing that we came up with to connect the game characters, and to gate scenarios. We were struggling trying to tie these things together, and then it was just one of those days when someone came up with one single idea that solved so many problems. It was a massive design triumph – even if we realised later that the name was a bit Mass Effect!
Q: Why does using items and elements in Frictional's games mimic real movements?
This is one of Thomas's core design principles: making actions like opening doors and turning cranks feel like physical actions. It binds you more closely into the game and the character, on an unconscious level. We've spent an awful lot of time thinking about ways to collapse the player and the character into one and make the player feel like a part of the world. It's a subtle way of feedback that you don't really think about, but it makes you feel like you're "there".
There's an interesting difference between horror games and horror films in this sense. You would think that horror movies are scarier because you're dragged into the action that moves on rails and there's nothing you can do about it. But for me that kind of horror is actually less scary than the kind in games, where you have to be the person to push the stick forward.
We try to implement this feedback loop in other elements of the game too, like the sound design. When a character is scared it makes their heartbeat go up, which makes the player scared, which makes their heartbeat go up in turn, and so on.
Q: Why didn't SOMA reuse enemies?
It obviously would have been much cheaper to reuse the monsters. But in SOMA it was a clear design point, since each of the enemies in SOMA was trying to advance the plot, get across a particular point in the story, or raise a philosophical question. Thus, the enemies were appropriate to a particular space or a piece of plot and it didn't make sense to reuse them.
Q: Did SOMA start with a finished story, or did it change during development?
The story changed massively over the years. I came on to the game a couple of years into development, and at that time there were lots of fixed points and a general path, but still a lot changed around that. As the game developed, things got cut, they got reorganized, locations changed purpose, and some things just didn't work out.
Building a narrative game is an ever-changing process. With something like a platformer you can build one level, test the mechanics, then build a hundred more similar levels iterating on and expanding those core mechanics. Whereas in a game like this you might build one level in isolation, but that means you don't know what the character is feeling based on what they've previously experienced.
You don't really know if the story is going to work until you put several chapters together. That's why it's also very difficult to test until most of it is in place. Then it might suddenly not work, so you have to change, drop and add things. There's quite a lot of reworking in narrative games, just to make sure you get the feel right and that the story makes sense. You've probably heard the term "kill your darlings" – and that's exactly what we had to do.
A lot of the things were taken out before they were anywhere near complete – they were works in progress that were never polished. Thus these elements are not really "cut content", just rough concepts.
Q: The term "cut content" comes from film, and building a game is closer to architecture or sculpting. Would there be a better name for it?
A pile of leftover bricks in the corner!
Q: How do you construct narrative horror?
Thomas is constantly writing about how the player isn't playing the actual game, but a mental model they have constructed in their head. A lot of our work goes into trying to create that model in their head and not to break it.
A central idea in our storytelling is that there's more going on than the player is seeing. As a writer you need to leave gaps and leave out pieces, and let the player make their own mind up about what connects it all together.
You'll meet a tall, dark stranger...
From a horror point of view there's danger in over-specifying. Firstly having too many details makes the story too difficult to maintain. And secondly it makes the game lose a lot of its mystery. The more you show things like your monsters, the less scary they become. A classic example of this is the difference between Alien and Aliens. In Alien you just see flashes of the creatures and it freaks you out. In Aliens you see more of them, and it becomes less about fear and more about shooting. It's best to sketch things out and leave it up to the player's imagination to fill in the blanks – because the player's imagination is the best graphics card we have!
There are a lot of references that the superfans have been able to put together. But there are one or two questions that even we as a team don't necessarily know the answers to.
Q: How do you keep track of all the story elements?
During the production of SOMA there was an awful lot of timeline stuff going on. Here we have to thank our Mikael Hedberg, Mike, who was the main writer. He was the one to make sure that all of the pieces of content were held together and consistent across the game. A lot of the things got rewritten because major historical timelines changed too, but Mike kept it together.
During the development we had this weird narrative element we call the double apocalypse. At one point in writing most of the Earth was dead already because of a nuclear war, and then an asteroid hit and destroyed what was left. We went back and forth on that and it became clear that a double apocalypse would be way over the top and coincidental. So we edited the script to what it is now, but this has resulted in the internal term 'that sounds like a double apocalypse', which is when our scripts have become just a bit too unbelievable or coincidental.
Q: How do you convey backstories, lore, and world-building?
Obviously there are clichés like audio logs and walls of text, but there is a trend to do something different with them, or explaining the universe in a different way. But the fundamental problem is relaying a bunch of information to the player, and the further the world is from your everyday 21st century setting, the more you have to explain and the harder it is. So it's understandable that a lot of games do it in the obvious way. The best way I've seen exposition done is by working it into the environment and art, making it part of the world so that the player can discover it rather than shoving it into the player's face.
Q: How do you hook someone who disagrees with the character?
It's hard to get the character to say and feel the same things as what the player is feeling. If you do it wrong it breaks the connection between the player and the character, and makes it far less intense. Ideally, if the player is thinking something, you want the character to be able to echo it. We spend a lot of time taking lines out so the character doesn't say something out of place or contrary to what the player feels.
With philosophical questions there are fixed messages you can make and things you can say about the world, but that will put off a part of the audience. The big thing when setting moral questions or decisions is that you should ask the question instead of giving the answer. If you offer the players a grey area to explore, they might even change their minds about the issue at hand.
To murder or not to murder, that is the question.
Q: How do you write for people who are not scared of a particular monster or setting?
In my experience the trick is to pack as many different types of fear in the game as you can, and picking the phobias that will affect the most people. If there's only one type of horror, it's not going to catch a wide enough audience. Also, if you only put in, say, snakes, anyone who isn't afraid of snakes is going to find it dull.
We probably peaked in our first game. What's worse than spiders? (Not representative of the company's opinion.)
Q: What's the main thing you want to get across in games?
The key thing is that the players have something they will remember when they walk away from the game, or when they talk about it with other people. It's different for different games, and as a developer you decide on the effect and how you want to deliver it. In games like Left 4 Dead delivery might be more about the mechanical design. In other games it's a particular story moment or question.
In SOMA the goal was not to just scare the players as they're looking at the screen, it was about the horror that they would think about after they put the mouse or controller down and were laid in bed thinking about what they'd seen. It was about hitting deeper themes. Sure, we wrapped it in horror, but the real horror was, in a way, outside the game.
Q: What does SOMA stand for?
It has many interpretations, but I think the one Thomas and Mike were going for was the Greek word for body. The game is all about the physicality of the body and its interaction with what could be called the spirit, mind, or soul – the embodiment of you.
The funniest coincidence was when we went to GDC to show the game off to journalists before the official announcement. We hadn't realised there is a district in San Francisco called Soma, so we were sitting in a bar called Soma, in the Soma district, about to announce Soma!
As to why it's spelled in all caps – it happened to look better when David designed the logo!
Q: Does this broken glass look like a monster face on purpose?
I'm pretty sure it's not on purpose – it's just because humans are programmed to see faces all over the place, like socket plugs. It's called pareidolia. But it's something you can exploit - you can trick people into thinking they've seen a monster!
This window is out to get you!
Q: What is the best way to network with the industry people?
Go to industry events, and the bar hangouts afterwards!
It's critical, though, not to treat it as "networking". Let's just call it talking to people, in a room full of people who like the same stuff as you. It's not about throwing your business cards at each other, it's about talking to them and finding common interests. Then maybe a year or two down the line, if you got on, they might remember you and your special skills or interests and contact you. Me being on Will's stream started with us just chatting. And conversations I had in bars five years ago have turned into projects this year.
You have to be good at what you do, but like in most industries, it's really about the people you know. I'm a bit of an introvert myself, so I know it's scary. But once you realise that everybody in the room is probably as scared as you, and that you're all geeks who like the same stuff, it gets easier. Another good way to make connections is attending game jams. If you haven't taken part in one, go find the nearest one! Go out, help your team, and if you're any good at what you do, people will be working with you soon.
Q: Can you give us some fun facts?
- You can blame the "Massive Recoil" DVD in Simon's room on our artist, David. A lot of the things in Simon's apartment are actually real things David has.
- We try to be authentic with our games, but out Finnish sound guy Tapio Liukkonen takes it really far. We have sequences of him diving into a frozen lake with a computer keyboard to get authentic underwater keyboard noises. It's ridiculous.
- Explaining SOMA to the voice actors was challenging – especially to this 65-year-old British thespian, clearly a theatre guy. Watching Mike explain the story to him made me think that the whole situation was silly and the guy wasn't getting the story at all. And then he went into the studio and completely nailed the role.
- There's a lot of game development in Scandinavia, particularly in Sweden and Norway, because it's dark and cold all the time so people just stay indoors and make games. Just kidding… or am I?
This week on Super Adventures, I'm playing Brerth of Fireo! Uh, Breath of Fire II!
I played the original Breath of Fire just over a year ago, so it's not really fresh in my memory, but I think I thought it was 'okay'. Not all that interesting, but okay. Nice graphics though.
I've already spotted one massive improvement that Breath of Fire II has over the first game, which is that is was actually made it to Europe fast enough to get released for the system it was created for. We didn't get to play first game over here until the Game Boy Advance port, which came out five and a half years after its own sequel. And it does seem to be a proper sequel this time, unlike the other games in the series, as Wikipedia tells me it takes place 500 years after the events of the original game.
I'm planning to at least go through the first few hours of the game, so there will be SPOILERS below this point, but not many. I just felt like I should give you fair warning, seeing as JRPGs have a lot of story in them. Here's my first spoiler: if you leave the title screen on for a while all you get is gameplay demos. I thought it might give me an secret intro, like the first game, but it did not.
Right, I'm going to press SJARJ and see what this is like.
MiSTer Fully Assembled (courtesy of MiSTer Github Wiki)
Why bother pricey FPGA simulation when there are so many excellent software emulators lying around? The answer can be boiled down into one word : lag. Lag is the most intractable problem with emulation and the most insidious. Everything else, accuracy, ease of use, authenticity, a software emulator can accomplish. But doing all that without added latency is a huge challenge and one which oftentimes cannot be met without some very expensive hardware.
An FPGA console is a modestly priced solution to lag. FPGAs simulate original hardware at the logic level and can simulate multiple processes in parallel. A software emulator must recreate a system alien to the hardware on which it is running and is essentially limited to processing multiple hardware events serially. The most popular FPGA solution not made by Analogue is based on the DE-10 Nano FPGA development board. This board is the key to the MiSTer project, a group of cores which simulate various video game consoles, computer systems and certain arcade machines under a common framework. In this blog entry (or entries), I will dive into the world of MiSTer and discuss the aspects I like and dislike.
Title: Make War Developer: Deqaf Studio Publisher: No Gravity Games Genre: Strategy, Simulation, Action, Arcade Price: $9.99 Also Available On: Steam
Make War, from independent publisher No Gravity Games, is exactly what its title says. It gameplay is based on, well, making war, but with a twist. Players, counted as part of an alien species, are thrust in the middle of markedly bloody battles across the history of mankind. Tasked to meet a specific objective (kill, or, as the case may be, keep alive a certain number of protagonists from one side, for instance) at a time, they are provided the opportunity to place units and advanced weaponry and traps on the fields of combat, and then watch as their plans unfold. Success will bring about another objective. Failure will necessitate a do-over. Rinse and repeat until all goals for the particular theater of skirmish are met. And then it's on to the next.
Make War's sandbox setup, presented in pixel art and oddly appropriate heavy-metal music, makes for interesting dynamics. Tactics are required, as not everything — and almost nothing at the start — goes according to plan. Trial and error is a necessity, but rewards come with ample investment of time. More future-tech playthings become available with every achievement, thus expanding options. As anything unfamiliar becomes the first target of either side, alien units can even be used to influence action; dropped at a certain area, they become bait to ensure compliance from would-be victims. Meanwhile, experience makes for a good teacher; soon enough, players are able to make optimal use of the tools at hand.
Make War does its best in wanting things to stay interesting throughout, and, in this regard, the variations help. Up to 45 weapons and 35 units are on tap to keep players engrossed through 160 missions. At some point, the battles progress to a cyberpunk future where even more unknowns await. Before then, though, players will have to stay involved while putting up with technical issues. And while accepting instructions and goals in grammatically incorrect English is one thing, trying to implement plans using a challenging interface is quite another.
Indeed, Make War falters in the translation to the Nintendo Switch. Developer Deqaf Studio ported it over from its outstanding personal computer version with command over the cursor merely transferred to the analog stick of the left Joy-Con — good in theory but serviceable at best in practice. The stilted movement makes for exceedingly slow placement of troops and items. And while touchscreen controls are present, they register only for specific actions. In other words, a neither-here-nor-there setup that requires no small measure of patience is in place.
Thankfully, Make War has enough going for it for players to stay immersed for hours on end. They shouldn't expect any overarching narrative to tie their efforts together, however. The game is best appreciated in bits and pieces, with each skirmish disjointed from the previous and next ones. For a strategy title bent on underscoring the there and then, the need to focus on the here and now may be a paradox. Outside of that, and, yes, of the technical hurdles, it proves to be worth its $9.99 price tag.
Welcome back, hope you are enjoying this series, I don't know about you but I'm enjoying it a lot. This is part 3 of the series and in this article we're going to learn some new commands. Let's get started Command: w Syntax: w Function: This simple function is used to see who is currently logged in and what they are doing, that is, their processes. Command: whoami Syntax: whoami Function: This is another simple command which is used to print the user name associated with the current effective user ID. Try it and it will show up your user name. If you want to know information about a particular user no matter whether it is you or someone else there is a command for doing that as well. Command: finger Syntax: finger[option] [username] Function: finger is a user information lookup program. The [] around the arguments means that these arguments are optional this convention is used everywhere in this whole series. In order to find information about your current user you can simply type: fingerusername Here username is your current username. To find information about root you can type: finger root and it will display info about root user. Command: uname Syntax: uname[options] Function: uname is used to display information about the system. uname is mostly used with the flag -a, which means display all information like this: uname-a Command: df Syntax: df[option] [FILE ...] Function: df is used to display the amount of space available. If you type df in your terminal and then hit enter you'll see the used and available space of every drive currently mounted on the system. However the information is displayed in block-size, which is not so much human friendly. But don't worry we can have a human friendly output as well using df by typing: df-h the -h flag is used to display the used and available space in a more user friendly format. We can also view the info of a single drive by specifying the drive name after df like this: df-h /dev/sda2 That's it for now about df, let's move on. Command: free Syntax: free[options] Function: free is used to display the amount of free and used physical memory and swap memory in the system. Again the displayed information is in block-size to get a more human readable format use the -h flag like this: free-h Command: cal Syntax: cal[options] Function: cal stands for calendar. It is used to display the calendar. If you want to display current date on the calendar you can simply type: cal and wohooo! you get a nice looking calendar on screen with current date marked but what if you want to display calendar of a previous month well you can do that as well. Say you want to display calendar of Jan 2010, then you'll have to type: cal-d 2010-01 Nice little handy tool, isn't it?
Command: file Syntax: filefilename ... Function: file is an awesome tool, it's used to classify a file. It is used to determine the file type. Let's demonstrate the usage of this command by solving a Noob's CTF challenge using file and base64 commands. We'll talk about base64 command in a bit. Go to InfoSecInstitute CTF Website. What you need to do here is to save the broken image file on your local computer in your home directory. After saving the file open your terminal (if it isn't already). Move to your home directory and then check what type of file it is using the file command: cd fileimage.jpg Shocking output? The file command has identified the above file as an ASCII text file which means the above file is not an image file rather it is a text file now it's time to see it's contents so we'll type: catimage.jpg What is that? It's some kind of gibberish. Well it's base64 encoded text. We need to decode it. Let's learn how to do that. Command: base64 Syntax: base64[option] FILE ... Function: base64 command is used to encode/decode data and then print it to stdout. If we're to encode some text in base64 format we'd simply type base64 hit enter and then start typing the text in the terminal after you're done hit enter again and then press CTRL+D like this: base64 some text here <CTRL+D> c29tZSB0ZXh0IGhlcmUK# output - the encoded string But in the above CTF we've got base64 encoded data we need to decode it, how are we going to do that? It's simple: base64-d image.jpg There you go you've captured the flag. The-d flag here specifies that we want to decode instead of encode and after it is the name of file we want to decode. Voila! So now you're officially a Hacker! Sorry no certificates available here :) That's it for this article meet ya soon in the upcoming article.
How does hacker use keylogger to hack social media account and steal important data for money extortion and many uses of keylogger ?
Types of keylogger?
Keylogger is a tool that hacker use to monitor and record the keystroke you made on your keyboard. Keylogger is the action of recording the keys struck on a keyboard and it has capability to record every keystroke made on that system as well as monitor screen recording also. This is the oldest forms of malware.
Sometimes it is called a keystroke logger or system monitor is a type of surveillance technology used to monitor and record each keystroke type a specific computer's keyboard. It is also available for use on smartphones such as Apple,I-phone and Android devices.
A keylogger can record instant messages,email and capture any information you type at any time using your keyboard,including usernames password of your social media ac and personal identifying pin etc thats the reason some hacker use it to hack social media account for money extortion.
Use of keylogger are as follows-
1-Employers to observe employee's computer activity.
2-Attacker / Hacker used for hacking some crucial data of any organisation for money extortion.
3-Parental Control is use to supervise their children's internet usage and check to control the browsing history of their child.
4-Criminals use keylogger to steal personal or financial information such as banking details credit card details etc and then which they will sell and earn a good profit.
5-Spouse/Gf tracking-if you are facing this issue that your Spouse or Gf is cheating on you then you can install a keylogger on her cell phone to monitor her activities over the internet whatever you want such as check Whats app, facebook and cell phone texts messages etc .
Basically there are two types of keylogger either the software or hardware but the most common types of keylogger across both these are as follows-
1-API based keylogger
2-Form Grabbing Based Keylogger
3-Kernal Based Keylogger
4-Acoustic Keylogger ETC .
How to detect keylogger on a system?
An antikeylogger is a piece of software specially designed to detect it on a computer.
Sometype of keylogger are easily detected and removed by the best antivirus software.
You can view the task manager(list of current programs) on a windows PC by Ctrl+Alt+Del to detect it.
Use of any software to perform any illegal activity is a crime, Do at your own risk.