Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Mum written by Lois Anna Roby, Department of Physics(2007-2010)


It was in her womb-
Where the first sign of life,
With a humble prayer of love-
Appeared with its grace.

The ten months she spared,
Can never be filled in by-
Anything that the world gives,
And now I am a tiny mark.

It was hard to separate,
And my first cry was-
Due to this painful separation,
With all the demeanor lost.

This crying piece was-
Her favorite, even now,
She doesn't care for herself;
But her child is everything.

My first step and,
My first word-
Immensely pleased her,
She always coveted of these.

She is an alter ego for me,
To hold me in my failure,
To console me in my grieves,
To support me in my crisis.

Her words always inspired,
Her thoughts always soothed,
Her acts always shone and-
Her presence always pleased.

Days passed and I grew,
As anything with life does.
My thoughts and my acts,
Turned according to my peers.

"Mum don't advice me,
I know what to do."
This was the regular-
Statement that I made.

Nothing stopped me from,
These kind of thoughts.
And I grew without,
The soul of my sweet Mum.

The journey was terrible,
And I stepped down-
Before a dark den,
With all the darkness of sin!

My Mum sobbed,
With her only aim-
To take me to,
The right perfect path.

Her tear burnt all,
The sins from me.
And I bowed before,
A mighty beginning- my Mum.

What can ail me,
If my Mum is with me?
The sacrifice and tolerance,
That she had is unbelievable.

Mum, why do you love me-
So much as something,
Which has no name,
To compare and familiarize?

Mum, how can you-
Save me from everything,
From wolves and vultures,
Who always chases me?

Mum there is no word,
To thank you my dear.
You are my entire spirit,
And will be forever.

Till my last Breath,
I should feel you dear mother.
For what you did,
For me till now.

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