Friday 29 March 2019

TGR Episode 10 - Playing Video Games Is "Not Normal" Apparently

Due to a slight scheduling problem, we had to record the podcast a little bit late this week.  We did get around to doing it, so strap in and get your ear-holes ready.  Do we have a bombshell for you guys today.  Dalyn and I discuss a myriad of issues going on with the gaming industry, how it's "not normal for a man in his 20's to play video games", and talk about skeeting and taking a dump on a chicks face just to get her to blink.  Does this interest you?  Then you need to listen to the brand new episode of Twisted Gamer Radio.

On today's show:

- Breivik Trial Discussion
- Australia Passes R18+ Rating
- Nintendo Announces New Handheld
- Quick Hits
- Fucked Up News:  Roomate Stabbing Over Video Game
- Sound Clip Corner:  Stoner Kids Save Family and Would You Hit It?

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